Budget Kart Class
Budget Kart Rules
The Budget Kart Class is designed as an economical class, with the entry level racer in mind. The idea behind this class is to be able to bolt a Box Stock Predator 212 Engine or Ducar 212cc Engine and have a chance be competitive. Any engine or engine work done that is not in the intention or spirit of these rules may be told to take it out of competition. Do not ruin this class. When you choose to play games, you only hurt the future of the sport just for a trophy. Think about it.
Budget Kart Rules-
- LVKT ONLY is opening up the Chassis to any chassis that is not brand new .
- open wheel front end. May use champ nose (inside front bumper) or no nose piece at all. Must have number panels on front and rear. Side panels may reach from tire to tire. 8” Maximum height at front, 12” maximum height at rear.
- Non Metallic body panels highly recommended. All edges must be rolled.
- No Ceramic bearings
- No Titanium
- Brake Rotors must be steel
- Box stock 212 Predator. Stock out of the box. or Dynocams Ducar 212cc (Engine must be factory rated Ducar 212cc and run in box stock configuration)
- Tires: open slick tires . No treaded tires.
- Clutch: DRUM Clutch Only - The only allowed alteration of the clutch is the spring. No cutting shoes, drilling/grinding drums, etc Gear Rule OPEN.
- Weight is 370Lbs.
- All safety is still Mandatory on the karts, safety pins, wired bolts, double nuts. Be safe.
- Claimer rule on engine $250 That is engine only not including throttle linkage, clutch or clutch guard.
- Pump gas only. No additives. 87 Octane only. LVKT requires you to get your 87 Octane at Stewart Gas Station in New Lebanon or Nassau NY
-For the Dino Cams Ducar 212cc - if you look at their rules (Rule #15) Gas Tank: Stock tank should be removed and an auxiliary tank mounted in the floor pan should be used. A top plate and fuel pump are allowed with the pump be pulsed off the
valve cover only. (Track Option) Utilize stock OEM tank with the vent tube unplugged and up to 4 - 1/8” holes in the fuel cap for venting. - THIS IS NOT REQUIRED at LVKT but we do recommend.
Engine rules clarification-
1) Harbor Freight Predator Engine must be ran out of the box (You must have it sealed at the track. Factory Box must be sealed when brought to the track) - The Ducar does not have to be sealed
2) Governor must be connected-spring May be zip tied-5500 rpm max on the stand after the race.
2b) May use DynoCams 5250rpm rev limiting coil. If using this coil, you may remove governor arm, but everything else must remain in place.
3) Air filter and sock must be installed per factory
4) Engine must have a keyway as installed by factory on the flywheel
5) Valve springs must match 10.8 and 18# check
6) 1/8” hole may be drilled in gas cap
7) Carburetor jet May be changed
8. Oil Sensor May be disconnected
9) Fuel Tank May be leveled
Any engine may be claimed by a racer in the field after feature, track promoter.
Claim Price-$250 Promoter or track claim overrides competitor claim and may claim a sealed engine. LVKT will have a replacement engine to replace any engine when/if the track feels motor needs to be claimed.
Engine Seal Program- For 2025 ALL ENGINES must be sealed. Anyone caught tampering with an engine seal will receive a minimum 5 year suspension from Budget Kart competition. If repair is needed that requires removal of seals, removal must be done by track official. Or a better thought- a new engine is $159 at your local HF store. If you aren’t tampering with the internals, that seems like a more reasonable way to go. Brand new Engines only, in an unopened box, must be brought to an authorized sealer. Some sealers may have an “exchange engine”. This means you will trade your engine for another brand new, already sealed engine. This is up to the sealer. Refusal to swap may permanently disqualify you from Budget Kart Competition. Engines will be swapped hemi-for-hemi, non-hemi for non-hemi. Price to seal an engine- $10​​
Due to popular demand LVKT will not be participating in “dirty tire” rule. Tires can be cleaned in between races or changed.
It’s still an open slick class. All tires must be completely dry in the grid.
By entering a kart into any Budget Kart class you are agreeing to abide by these rules, as well as conduct yourself in a respectful manner and a failure to do so may leave to suspensions and other penalties.
Junior 9-11: Same Rules as above only changes are:
Weight: 280lbs
Motor Plate: Purple
Junior 12-15: Same Rules as above only changes are:
Weight: 310lbs
Motor Plate: Blue Plate
*-varies by track.
**- As of January 1, 2025, chassis is open to any used kart!
Track information-
This class is designed to be a fun class only, with a low registration fee. It is designed for drivers that are just getting into karting, as well as those looking for a more affordable class of karts from other classes.​
Authorized to seal engines-
Brandon Clapperton, Deposit NY
Jason Walsh- Newburgh NY
Dave Carpenter, Elmira NY
Thomas Diamond, Schoharie, NY
Shawn Jeffery, Sanborn, NY
Chris Crews- Adam’s, Mass
Chris Lopez, Wellsville, NY
Matt Chavis- Canajoharie, NY